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Внешность: Зак Эфрон.
Про Ягуна:
Баб-Ягун играет в сборной Тибидохса по драконболу. Он - играющий комментатор. Очень болтлив, переболтать его не смог никто. За словом в карман не лезет. Очень гордится своим пылесосом. В то же время, когда Ягуна перевели на темное отделение, у него отобрали комментаторский рупор. Но позже, естественно, вернули, во-первых, потому что если не он, то кто, а Горьянов не комментатор, а во-вторых, попробуй такому не вернуть. Из-за дара подзеркаливания силен в заговоренном пасе. Лишь Тане удалось сбить с него в этом спесь, ведь общеизвестно, что женщины думают одно, а говорят другое.
Мама у Ягуна - волшебница, папа - маг-проходимец. Когда Ягун был совсем маленьким, его маму убила Чума-дель-Торт. С тех пор Ягуна воспитывает бабушка - Ягге. Живет Ягун с малых лет в Тибидохсе, в десять лет поступает в первый класс обучения, на белое отделение. Приблизительно в это же время ему поручают забрать Таню Гроттер из мира лопухоидов, и доставить в Тибидохс. В пути, решив померятся с Таней умением летать, Ягун проникся к девочке уважением, и с тех пор они крепко дружат.
Пейринг:Б-Я/Катя Л.

[b]1. Имя, Фамилия.[/b]
[b]2. Возраст.[/b]
[b]3. Пол. Ориентация.[/b]
[b]4. Силы.[/b]
[b]6. Связь.[/b]
[b]7. Как вы нас нашли.[/b]
[b]8. Желаемый статус.[/b]
[b]9. Пробный пост. Тему даёт Админ.[/b]

Уже не требуется.



Иван Валякин.

Внешность:Джесси Маккартни или Ричи Стринджини.
Про Ивана:
Иван Владимирович Валялкин родился в семье людей, лишенных магических способностей (лопухоидов).Попав в Тибидохс, познакомился с Таней Гроттер и Баб-Ягуном и стал их лучшим другом. Таня и Ванька с самого начала были неразлучными друзьями, и крепкая дружба переросла в любовь.
Когда Ваня подрос, его родители стали пить. Они не давали ему есть, били его и заставляли просить милостыню. Когда Ваня был уж совсем голодным, он съел все продукты во всем супермаркете и даже дубинки охранников, когда те попытались его ударить. После этого случая его сразу забрали в Тибидохс.
Учится Ваня на белом отделении. Очень любит ветеринарную магию и постоянно лечит кого-то из магических зверюшек. Сентиментален, оранжевой мантии белых магов предпочитает латаную-перелатаную блеклую длинную желтую футболку, которую ему когда-то купил еще непьющий отец. Отрезал кусок от скатерти-самобранки. Кусок попался ему бракованный, готовящий только котлеты и огурцы. Тем не менее, Ванька их все время ест, особенно когда нервничает, но остается худым.
Пейринг: ----- пока не знаем.

Вариант анкеты для Вас:

[b]1. Имя, Фамилия.[/b]
[b]2. Возраст.[/b]
[b]3. Пол. Ориентация.[/b]
[b]4. Силы.[/b]
[b]6. Связь.[/b]
[b]7. Как вы нас нашли.[/b]
[b]8. Желаемый статус.[/b]
[b]9. Пробный пост. Тему даёт Админ.[/b]




Внешность: На Ваш выбор. Можно Веника из Папиных дочек.
Про Александра:
Шурасик - бывший белый маг, ныне темный.
В мире у лопухоидов был отличником просто патологическим. Над ним все издевались. Однажды ему учительница ни за что двойку поставила. Его так эта первая в жизни двойка потрясла, что дневник вспыхнул, а у учительницы на голове выросли мухоморы. И даже Медузия с Сарданапалом ей не смогли помочь. После этого случая Шурасик оказался в Тибидохсе, и попал на белое отделение. Там он тоже был патологическим отличником, и над ним вновь начали издеваться.
В Тибидохсе Шурасика зомбировала Чума-дель-Торт. Он помог ей восстать. Он перерубил волос Древнира, который был гранью между светом и тьмой. Он заманил в ловушку всех учеников и Таню.
После того, как он увидел титанов, он стал пугливым, но потом успокоился. Его оставили в Тибидохсе, но уже на темном отделении.
Позже Шурасик обнаружил в себе талант писателя и стал посылать статьи в журнал "Сплетни и бредни" (вроде - "Мой любимый предмет", "Мой любимый учитель" и т. п.)
В восьмой книге попал в параллельный мир.
Был неравнодушен к Кате Лотковой.
В девятой книге влюбился в Лену Свеколт. На время теста Теофедулия поменялся телами с Жорой Жикиным, чтобы написать за него тест. Но решил тело Жоре не отдавать. Пробыв в нем некоторое время, понял, что Лена Свеколт любила Шурасика, а не Жору Жикина, и ради нее вернулся в свое тело, получив его с насморком и обгрызанными ногтями. Постоянно спорит с Леной по поводу того или иного научного вопроса.
Пейринг: наверно Лена.



Глеб Бейбарсов.
Внешность: На ваш выбор. Можно Йена Сомерхолдера.
Строго очерченный профиль. Утонченная спортивная фигура. Одежда самая практичная: черная рубашка, черные джинсы, спортивные туфли. Тоже черные. В правой руке трость. Когда он расслаблен и ни на кого не смотрит, его глаза, черные как ночь, полны равнодушия и какой-то грусти, присущей тем, кто хотя бы однажды заглядывал за грань под названием жизнь. В глазах Глеба невозможно что-либо прочесть. Лишь один человек видеть в них проблески эмоций. Этот человек Таня. Но о ней несколько позже. Что еще можно сказать о внешности? Бейбарсов привлекателен. Он окружен аурой тайны с примесью смертельной страсти. О таком можно сказать "роковой". Глеб редко улыбается.
Он эгоист. Самодовольный и циничный. Он делает все только с выгодой для себя. Некромагам чужда брезгливости, они способны выбрать любой, даже самый мерзкий способ убийства. Однако опять от преступления этой грани его удерживает присутствие или просто желание Тани. Никого другого он не будет слушать. И все-таки Глеб жесток. Но таким его воспитали. Детство не было одной сплошной радостью, как у других. "Не убьешь ты, убьют тебя" – стало девизом и принципом жизни той поры. Если рассказывать дальше, то читать придется намного больше чем написано сейчас.

Пейринг: любит Таню.

Вариант анкеты для Вас:

[b]1. Имя, Фамилия.[/b]
[b]2. Возраст.[/b]
[b]3. Пол. Ориентация.[/b]
[b]4. Силы.[/b]
[b]6. Связь.[/b]
[b]7. Как вы нас нашли.[/b]
[b]8. Желаемый статус.[/b]
[b]9. Пробный пост. Тему даёт Админ.[/b]

Уже не требуется.



This online casino is an online gambling platform operated by Five Diamond Limited. With its headquarters in Malta's capital, Valletta, OceanBet strives to cater to a worldwide market, targeting players from Spanish-speaking LATAM countries. Nonetheless, it is crucial to note that OceanBet Casino restricts access to players from the North Korea.

One of the most important aspects of any online casino is the variety and quality of casino games it offers. OceanBet Casino showcases an outstanding list of game providers, including trusted names such as Pragmatic Play, Play'n Go, Betsoft, NetEnt, Microgaming, Evolution, and many others. With such a wide range of providers, players can expect a wide variety of top-tier games to select from. Whether you are a fan of slots, OceanBet Casino has everything you covered.

In terms of slots, OceanBet Casino offers over 1,000 games, guaranteeing there is a game for every player's preference. From classic slots to contemporary video slots with thrilling features and themes, the casino provides a diverse and varied slot gaming journey. Furthermore, OceanBet Casino also offers a live casino option for players desiring an interactive and interactive gambling adventure. With live dealers and real-time gameplay, players can appreciate the thrill of a physical casino from the convenience of their own houses.

When it comes to usability, OceanBet Casino offers an instant play version, permitting players to access their favorite games directly from their web internet browsers. Nevertheless, the casino does not provide a downloadable version of its software. Nonetheless, players can relish the casino's games on different operating systems, as OceanBet Casino is compatible with all major platforms.

Support for multiple languages is another area where OceanBet Casino stands out, catering to a diverse player base. The casino supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish (LATAM), Portuguese (BR), French (CA), and German. This multilingual support guarantees that players from distinct countries can navigate the platform easily and have a uninterrupted gaming adventure.

In terms of money, OceanBet Casino accepts USD, EUR, CAD, and BRL, providing options for players to deposit and bet in their favorite currency. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that OceanBet Casino does not permit players from the United States, suggesting that USD deposits and gameplay are not applicable.

OceanBet Casino maintains a high level of security and holds a license from Curacao. This ensures that the casino works within the lawful framework and sticks to industry standards. Players can enjoy a safe and fair gaming setting while playing at OceanBet Casino.

When it comes to deposits and withdrawals, OceanBet Casino provides a selection of payment methods. Yet, specific details regarding the least deposit, withdrawal methods, withdrawal limits, and withdrawal times were not provided in the available data. It is recommended to refer to the casino's website or contact customer support for current information regarding these aspects.

In terms of customer support, OceanBet Casino offers two types of email support and live chat functionality. Players can get in touch with the support team via email at support@oceanbet.com or use the live chat feature for instant assistance. While a support phone number is not provided, the combination of email and live chat support guarantees that players can effortlessly convey their queries or concerns to the casino's support team.

Bonuses and bonuses are an important part of the online gambling experience, and OceanBet Casino does not let down in this aspect. The casino offers a sizeable welcome bonus for its players. The specifics of the welcome bonus differ based on the player's location. For players in LATAM, the welcome bonus consists of a 120% deposit match up to $600 and 25 free spins. Brazilian players can enjoy a similar 120% deposit match up to R$4k and 25 free spins. Canadian players are entitled for a 120% deposit match up to $600 and 25 free spins. For players in other regions, the welcome bonus is a 120% deposit match up to 600 EUR and 25 free spins.

OceanBet Casino provides transparency by sharing the terms and conditions of its welcome bonus. Players are urged to review these terms to grasp the wagering requirements and any other restrictions associated with the bonus. The terms and conditions for the welcome bonus can be found on the casino's website.

In addition to the welcome bonus, OceanBet Casino offers bonuses to keep players involved and rewarded. The details of these promotions can be found on the casino's special promotions page, which is often updated to offer new and exciting incentives for players.

OceanBet Casino also manages an affiliate program called OceanBet Partners. This program allows persons or businesses to earn commissions by guiding players to the casino. The affiliate program has its own dedicated website, where curious parties can find more information and sign up.

Finally, OceanBet Casino keeps a payout percentage of 95%, which indicates that players have a decent chance of winning while playing on the platform. This payout percentage is in line with industry standards and guarantees that players can enjoy a beneficial and potentially lucrative gaming experience.

In general, OceanBet Casino offers an large range of games from reliable providers, providing players with a varied and engaging gambling experience. The multi-language support, diverse currency options, and attractive welcome bonuses more increase the total attraction of the casino. With its dedication to player safety and fair gaming, OceanBet Casino is as a promising online gambling destination.

Note: The information given in this review is based on available data as of the time of writing. For the most recent information and offerings, it is suggested to visit the OceanBet Casino website.



This online casino is an online betting platform owned by Five Diamond Limited. With its main office in Malta's capital, Valletta, this casino works to cater to a global audience, aiming for players from Brazil. However, it is crucial to note that OceanBet Casino prohibits players from the United Kingdom.

One of the most crucial aspects of any online casino is the variety and standard of casino games it offers. OceanBet Casino showcases an outstanding list of game providers, including reliable names such as Pragmatic Play, Play'n Go, Betsoft, NetEnt, Microgaming, Evolution, and many others. With such a wide range of providers, players can look forward to a wide variety of premium games to pick from. Whether you are a fan of slots, OceanBet Casino has everything you want.

In terms of slots, OceanBet Casino offers over 1,000 games, guaranteeing there is a game for all players' preference. From classic slots to modern video slots with engaging features and themes, the casino provides a rich and varied slot gaming adventure. Furthermore, OceanBet Casino also offers a live casino option for players looking for an interactive and interactive gambling journey. With live dealers and real-time gameplay, players can enjoy the thrill of a physical casino from the comfort of their own homes.

When it comes to accessibility, OceanBet Casino offers an instant play version, enabling players to access their favorite games straight from their web internet browsers. However, the casino does not provide a installable version of its software. Regardless, players can appreciate the casino's games on different operating systems, as OceanBet Casino is functional with all major platforms.

Language support is another area where OceanBet Casino shines, accommodating to a diverse player base. The casino supports various languages, including English, Spanish (LATAM), Portuguese (BR), French (CA), and German. This multi-language support confirms that players from distinct countries can navigate the platform easily and experience a smooth gaming experience.

In terms of money, OceanBet Casino accepts USD, EUR, CAD, and BRL, providing choices for players to deposit and wager in their preferred currency. However, it is worth noting that OceanBet Casino does not permit players from the United States, suggesting that USD deposits and gameplay are not apposite.

OceanBet Casino upholds a high level of security and carries a license from Curacao. This ensures that the casino operates within the lawful framework and conforms to industry standards. Players can relish a safe and fair gaming environment while playing at OceanBet Casino.

When it comes to deposits and withdrawals, OceanBet Casino provides a range of payment methods. Nonetheless, specific details regarding the minimum deposit, withdrawal methods, withdrawal limits, and withdrawal times were not provided in the existing data. It is advised to refer to the casino's website or contact customer support for latest information regarding these aspects.

In terms of customer support, OceanBet Casino offers both email support and live chat functionality. Players can contact the support team via email at support@oceanbet.com or take advantage of the live chat feature for prompt assistance. While a support phone number is not given, the mix of email and live chat support guarantees that players can easily convey their questions or concerns to the casino's support team.

Promotions and bonuses are an integral part of the online gambling journey, and OceanBet Casino does not fail in this aspect. The casino offers a generous welcome bonus for its players. The specifics of the welcome bonus vary based on the player's location. For players in LATAM, the welcome bonus consists of a 120% deposit match up to $600 and 25 free spins. Brazilian players can experience a similar 120% deposit match up to R$4k and 25 free spins. Canadian players are qualified for a 120% deposit match up to $600 and 25 free spins. For players in other regions, the welcome bonus is a 120% deposit match up to 600 EUR and 25 free spins.

OceanBet Casino provides openness by sharing the terms and conditions of its welcome bonus. Players are urged to review these terms to grasp the wagering requirements and any other limitations associated with the bonus. The terms and conditions for the welcome bonus can be found on the casino's website.

In addition to the welcome bonus, OceanBet Casino offers promotions to keep players involved and rewarded. The details of these promotions can be found on the casino's dedicated promotions page, which is often updated to offer new and exciting incentives for players.

OceanBet Casino also operates an affiliate program called OceanBet Partners. This program allows individuals or businesses to earn commissions by referring players to the casino. The affiliate program has its own unique website, where intrigued parties can find more information and sign up.

In conclusion, OceanBet Casino upholds a payout percentage of 95%, which suggests that players have a fair chance of winning while playing on the platform. This payout percentage is conforms to industry standards and confirms that players can enjoy a rewarding and potentially lucrative gaming experience.

In general, OceanBet Casino offers an wide range of games from trusted providers, offering players with a broad and engaging gambling journey. The multilingual support, diverse currency options, and attractive welcome bonuses more boost the overall allure of the casino. With its dedication to player safety and fair gaming, OceanBet Casino is as a prospective online gambling destination.

Note: The information offered in this review is based on available data as of the time of writing. For the most up-to-date information and offerings, it is suggested to visit the OceanBet Casino website.


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